I forgot to apply my promo code, can this be applied after I make my purchase?
We get how annoying it can be if you forget to apply your promo code when making a purchase.
Unfortunately, once your order has been placed and payment has been made we're unable to retroactively apply your discount code, or refund the difference. If this does happen, your code will still be active and you will still be able to use it!
If you havent paid for your order yet and you're at the final stage of checkout, then you can still go back and apply the discount code! You can check how to use a promo code here!
Please be aware only 1 promotion can be applied to an order, so your discount code may not work on any items that are already on sale or reduced.
If you have tried to use your promo code and have received an error, please reach out to our Customer Care team with a picture of the error and they'll be able to investigate it for you!